This summer has been pretty good so far. We got out of school June 18th,my last day was the 19th. One main reason I chose to stay in this school district was to have the same time off as the kids. My first child started kindergarten in 1993, the year her sister was born. The first child graduated in 2006,the year my son turned 1. My second daughter graduated in 2011,the year my son started first grade. My son should be graduating in about ten years from now, in the year 2023, God willing :)
This summer has been a rainy one, too many thunderstorms to count,including today's.
Last week, my son went to two VBS clubs, 2 days at each. He really likes going to them and often comes home singing the songs and talking about the topics. Our church held one for the first time and we all had a great time. I made a video with the pics I took, added music and showed it during service today. I was happy with it, but disappointed that the program used to project it didn't play the videos taken on time. The pastor asked if they could use some of the pics for a new church brochure. I am happy to let them use my pics.
After service, I waited for my oldest to call from South Carolina. My son didn't know that we are visiting SC Tomorrow! for a whole week, and she was the one who was going to tell him while skyping. Using her husband's phone, she told him to go to my office. When there, he saw the suit cases packed and asked why they were there.She asked if he wanted to visit her. he said we can't visit,can we? We both said yes! He was so excited, and I was so glad to be able to finally talk to him about the trip. We've been there last year, so he's familiar with flying and packing. We both aren't crazy about either, but know it's the only way to get there quickly.
While there, we plan to visit Carowinds waterpark, a state park, and a kids museum. They are also having a house warming party put on by her in-laws. They are a nice family and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone.
When we get back, he may attend an evening VBS that week, a five day club, a sports camp, and the best thing, go to Camp Good News! It will be his second year and he(we) are really are excited about it! Two weeks after that, we may go to Santa's Village in the White Mountains and stay at a hotel with a pool. Then, it will be time to plan going back to school again. It looks like it's going to be a good, fast summer vacation, and I hope to keep up with it all on this blog.
Hope you are having a great day, and staying dry,
Love and blessings,
Lori LC