Wednesday, October 29, 2014


In the movie, GLEN CAMPBELL…I’LL BE ME, we follow the story of music legend Glen Campbell and his final fare well concert series in 2012. Glen Campbell has been widely known for both country and contemporary music entertainment and has won  multiple Grammy Awards, Academy of Country Music awards, a Pioneer Award recognition, American Music Awards, Country Music Association Awards and Gospel Music Association Dove Awards.
 When he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 2011, he wanted people to know why he was slowly fading from the music scene. He went on a“Goodbye Tour,”with his family and put on quite a show. We see the behind the scenes look of how the love and support of his family helps him continue forward. It shows Glen and his wife, Kim, and their story of love, resilience and the power of song.
  The movie is coming out this month . You will  not be disappointed!

Here is a link to more info about Glen Campbell's...I'll Be Me:

There are also many videos of Glen Campbell, which I recommend to all who enjoy fine music!
Love and Blessings,
Lori LC

"Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.
 Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.”

Sunday, August 31, 2014

A Day at Hampton Beach

 I recently spent a day at Hampton Beach with a friend and her family. It was my first time there, which may be surprising since I live in NH and love being at the ocean. We left her house around 8:30 am. After nearly three hours of driving, we finally got our first glimpse of Hampton beach. I smiled and shouted hooray! We’re almost there!
Parking was not too difficult, it cost ten dollars for the day.
We unloaded and found a place on the sand, not far from the beach, near lifeguard chair 11.
Before the blanket and items were set out the kids were ready to run to the water. We applied sunscreen on the kids; I considered putting on sunscreen but decided to take my chances in hopes of getting some color since it was probably the last chance of sitting in the warm sun before fall set in.
Then they all ran down to the water. I wanted to run, too, but tried to act cool and moseyed down with the smaller children, who were hooting and hollering in excitement!  Seagulls and voices of happy beach goers added to the cacophony.
The waves and salty air welcomed me.When my feet reached the water i was prepared for chilly water but it was not too frigid. It was warmer than anticipated, so i strode out to nearly my knees.
The wind caused waves to blow salty water over me.There was an impending storm for the next day and the yellow flag by the lifeguard chair indicated rip tides.As I stood by the shore feeling the surf scoop sand away from my feet,  it reminded me of how life can be unpredictable and you could lose your footing if not cautious. 
 I watched the kids play as the waves pushed them farther away from where i stood. i kept waving for them to get closer to where i was but they were often too busy to even look up at me.
Yelling their name was almost useless because the wind and waves were too loud.
There were sailboats in the distance and I wondered how they were faring in the tumultuous wind.
Since my friends were watching the kids, I decided to go back to the blanket to relax.
I sat on my low beach chair and dug my feet in the sand, smiled and felt happy and at peace. :)

I later realized how much the wind and sun reddened my skin and should have put on sunscreen after all..
We all had a great time and are looking forward to our next day at the beach! :)

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Our visit to Clark's Trading Post in Lincoln,NH (Link to my post on other blog)

I recently took a day trip with my Mom and son to Clark's Trading Post in Lincoln,NH.

 Here is the link to my other blog with photos of our trip:
 Photo blog link

Thanks for checking it out!
~Lori LC

Friday, August 1, 2014

Week Two,still reeling from giving up,8/1/14

  I do not intend for this to be a place to air our marital problems, but more of a confirmation for others to know there are other couples who are going through tough times, and are trying to work through them. Giving up our self-centered lives and focusing more on being a couple.
  A few weeks ago, my husband and I had a huge blow out. I had decided at that point that I had had enough of putting up with verbal and emotional bashing, and said I was leaving.
I did not feel upset or scared.Just peace and relief from finally choosing to be free after all the years of battling over every little thing. He, on the other hand, was absolutely stunned that I felt that way. After all, all the other times I just put up with it and we went on like there was nothing wrong. I could not put that mask on any more. I started packing my clothes and items in boxes and moved into the spare room while looking for a place to move into. My emotions were completely turned off, as though a plug came loose and drained all my feelings except peace. He was frantic in trying to understand how I could change so quickly after being together for 25 years. I realized this has been building for a while, and cannot even pin point when I stopped feeling emotionally close.
  There were times in the past when we reached a similar point, but we talked things out rather quickly and I stayed. Some changes were made, but after a while,we ended up in the same behavior patterns. We would start irritating each other and resentments would build up for our next battle. I do not want to continue in that cycle. He says he also wants to change, for good this time. He sought counseling and has been reaching out to people who are helping him make the changes. We have been reading The Love Dare,by Alex and Stephen Kendrick. I was not really interested in this at first because I was not sure if I even wanted to reconcile again. Talking about things over and over again has been frustrating because he wants to know how long it is going to take for me to feel emotionally close to him again. well, do you have the answer to that? because I sure do not.
  He has been showing me more kindnesses and acts of love in the past weeks than he had in a year. I do not know how to react to them except to say thank you and wonder who he is. When we were at odds I knew what to do or say because it was our norm, but now my standard answers have become dry and caustic and I see how my actions continued the cycle of our resentments and arguments. I also need to make changes in my attitude, but am not sure what or how to change.
  I want to feel more but am not ready to open my heart because it has been hurt too many times. I want to return his loving gaze and tell him the same sentiments he whispers, but am feeling confused. I did intend to move out, and even looked at apartments, but I decided to try working it out one more time. That reminds me of another book we are reading by Gary Chapman, called One More Try.  It focuses mainly on couples forgetting about splitting up and just stay together for the sake of staying a couple and working out problems instead of separating. I do not necessarily agree with that,because I still need time apart to think things through,but do not have that time or space. He hovers close to me, expecting me to change in front of his eyes.Waiting to see me smile or open my arms for a loving embrace. it may be a while longer before that happens, but he is watching me,constantly..
  I am taking steps to being kinder and open to our reconciling. I spend time talking together, reading from the Love Dare, When I do the laundry, I now allow our clothes to touch and not put his in a separate pile. I am even sleeping back in our bed,with a pillow between us. As he watches me sleep..
  I am still selfish and self-centered in some ways, but it is taking time for my heart and emotions to heal. I do appreciate his willingness to be kinder and thoughtful, even attending church together and shopping together. I have been accustomed to doing them alone,so it is an adjustment to have him there. It is not a bad thing, just different. I do not have any alone time because he wants to be with me so much. I am not seeing any one else, as he asked me early on. And he said he is not, either.
  I do hope we continue to grow closer and to start feeling closer emotionally. Focusing on the positive is most helpful and forgiveness has helped the process. The echoes of his hurtful words still resonate, but they are getting more faint as we move on.
 I hope something I said has helped you in some way, even to comsider making a positive change in your own life.
There are people who care, especially God.  And me :)
 Have a blessed day!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Giving up, when marriage gets tough. 7/21/14

 After more than twenty years of marriage, I am still learning what it takes for a good marriage.
We are creatures of habit, and some of those habits can cause rifts and resentments that can fester if the annoyed spouse doesn't say something, or if the offending spouse continues the action without regard for others.
 We have been working out issues throughout our relationship, most are small things that add up over time. I never made an issue about the toilet seat being up, or not refilling the paper roll, but putting different types of laundry together in the wash drives my crazy. I try to stay calm and teach him and the kids why to do things a certain way if it is important to me, but I don't think I get too overbearing. I am usually very calm, and treat them the way I expect to be treated. That is where I gave up trying to control everything and let them find out why it is important. If they go to use paper and it is empty they may be more likely to remember next time.
 Some arguments stem from piles of papers,books and others miscellaneous things around me. I am a serial piler upper and it really annoys my husband. He is a neat nik and wants things put away right away,in their proper place. I do try,but get easily distracted and get around to it much later. Then, he gets annoyed and yells and curses and I get offended or hurt at the words he says.It was a pattern of behavior was both got into.
 We have argued about things small and big, and we usually talk it out, or brush it off. We found out that what have been doing is brushing it under a big rug called resentment, and it came uncovered a week ago.
  We were arguing about something that seemed small, a disagreement didn't think was a big deal. He, on the other hand, thought I was against him and got seriously mad and said some things he later regretted. This was where I gave up on working things out and said I was leaving.
I was completely serious and started planning to move. He was stunned and panicked. I just had enough of the nonsense. I was, and still am, very hurt. He he since made some serious changes and says he is working on being more considerate. He met with the pastor and seems genuinely ready to give up his anger issues as well as trying to make me more like himself.
 A friend sent me a link to a couple who have been through similar problems. We read it together and I can truly say it has helped both of us in different ways. This was the first article we read together: http://www.marriagetoday . He was excited at the prospect of having another chance. I am still skeptical of the promise of change,but I do want to work things out for the better.
 I realized what I really had to give up was my own sense of finding fault in everything he did wrong. I have to give up holding in how I feel and not hold onto wrong doings. I have to give up the feeling of being alone and open myself  up to trust again,which is not an easy thing.
  He found these words written in the Good Book:
 1 Corinthians 13:4-8New King James Version (NKJV)
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.Love never fails.

 I didn't tell him that we have had a framed print of those words in our living room for at least ten years, and I have read them as a reminder many times. I am going to move it toanother place so we can see it daily.
  So, what we should give up is not trying to work out the issues in the relationship, but the preconceived notions that our needs are greater than others'. When we seek God's way first,together, it should be easier than doing it our own way. 
We have been sharing things more and praying together more. I am still working on opening my heart after being hurt, but he has been understanding and is giving me space and time to heal. It is his good heart that has kept me here all these years. 
One word for those who are hurting...HOPE. As long as you want to try, there is always hope.
You can do as we are, and give up trying it on your own, and work together to strengthen your relationship.We plan on getting counseling to continue our journey and hope it helps even more.
I don't know if this has made any difference to you, but it is what is on my heart to share right now.
I wish the best for you.
Love and blessings,

Sunday, June 29, 2014

My current heart notions..6/29/14

  I haven't updated here for a while;but I have posted a few photos on my photo blog , but not much more than that.
 Lately, I have been feeling out of sorts,possibly depression, or something similar. Basically, I have been in a funk and didn't want to do anything but take naps or long walks. I don't have thoughts of anything bad, just feel indifferent to everything.
  I'm guessing it has to do with changes around me. My adult kids live in SC and I miss them dearly. The oldest has been married four years to a wonderful guy who takes terrific care of her. My middle girl moved with them for a few months and will be attending college there this Fall. She is here briefly this Summer, but is a camp counselor at Camp Good News , but is only here briefly on Saturday. We spend time chatting and take walks together in the evening.
  My son just turned nine and bugs me constantly to play water balloon fight, but I am allergic to latex balloons. So, he bugs me to go swimming or to just do something. Anything! I have to force myself to do something without grumbling and feeling tired. I did get checked by the Dr and was sent for blood work, but the results have not gotten back yet. He thinks it could be either hormonal peri menopause, thyroid or  anemia. I should kn ow in a few days.
  My job is also shifting. I have been working as a Para educator part time for several years, but am changing to full time, which will include working Summer school all of July. The trade off of working in the heat is getting paid for it. Paras do not get paid during vacations.
  I have been working on transforming the office/play room/catch all room for my Mom's visit. She is coming at the end of July and staying for two weeks. She has diabetes, and neuropathy in her feet pretty bad. I need to make room for a wheel chair to fit around the house and fit the bathroom for her to use the shower safely. I also need to plan low carb,low sugar meals and snacks. That should be the norm anyway, but we like our sweets and carbs! Good thing it will be the season for fresh fruits and vegs at the Farmers markets.
  Some things I would like to do this Summer are: fishing, shopping, visit an aquarium,science museum, see something new. I would like to do something relaxing, without having a nine year old nagging me to do something more. Selfish, I know. But, a mom can wish..
Me,feeding sunfish. I caught it,for a minute. The one that got away..

 I will post more about these things as they pass, possibly post pics on the photo blog.
  Thanks for reading this, I just needed to vent my thoughts.
Hope you have a great day!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

My Ancestry, as I know it

 I have always been interested in family history and genealogy. I think it began when my Mom would take us to old cemeteries in RI and Mass. and we would talk about what their lives may have been like.  My mother's parents were from very different backgrounds. Her father, Henri Larue's, family was from Canada. He had a large family, about 12 in all. His wife, Dorothy, my grandmother,had the maiden name Winsor, a descendant of the Windsors in England. When they emigrated to America in 1664/7, they dropped the 'd to distance themselves from the family ties in England. My ancestors helped Roger Williams start Rhode Island as a state, and one of them married a daughter of Roger Williams,Mercy (Williams)Waterman. There were several Reverends in the Winsor line who served in churches in RI.
 My father's family is also a mix of backgrounds. His mother's family emigrated from Galicia, Austria,Ukraine. Her father's surname was Glowacki. Her mother's maiden name was (Tekla) Szewczuk. They both were from the same area in Galicia, but he emigrated through Canada, and stayed with family, and she came through Ellis Island. They reconnected in RI, where they married and raised a family, My grandmother,Mary(/Marie), Sophie, Josie, Annie, and an uncle
 My father's father was Glodome Bernache. His last name should have been Berneche, but a mistake on his birth certificate was never corrected, so it became permanent. He was a cobbler in Woonsocket,RI, also served as a Master Sergeant in the ARMY,but I don't know more than that. 
 I will post more on this,including pics from the family album, this summer as time allows.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Importance of reading labels,esp meds

A short story on the importance of reading the entire label,on everything.
While dealing with my cold symptoms, I used the kids' cold/allergy meds because I like the flavor better. When it was the middle of the night and I was still awake from a hacking cough,I resorted to taking Robitussin cough relief. After about an hour I was still coughing,and felt worse. I went to lie down on the couch and tried resting,but my insides felt swollen and had a burning sensation. It was difficult to get a good breath and felt as though something was blocking my trachea. After debating in my mind what could be causing the symptoms, it occurred to me to look more closely at the ingredients of the cough syrup.I mustered up the energy and read the front label.It had some alcohol,not a problem,then I looked at the Inactive ingredients and found the culprit. Menthol! I am allergic to menthol,and here I just consumed it.No wonder I felt awful,it was a reaction.I took some liquid motrin because a pill wouldn't have made it down.Then went to bed and waited.I slowly felt my breath return and my heart rate went back to normal. My insides still ache,but at least I can breath and swallow again.I had no idea I was so allergic to menthol,and will be sure to check all meds in the future.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Cooking with my son

 My son is eight years old and wants to learn how to cook. He often stands right by my side, and tries to be in front a few times, and watches closely how the food is prepared.
We make eggs, pasta, mini pizzas, beef stew, and other dishes.
Here is the link to when we made English muffin pizzas.

I have a feeling he may take over cooking for the family when he's able to use the stove himself, and I am okay with that ;)